10 results
Laumede #16, Gregory Amenoff, Watercolor, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Line I, Carel Balth, Photograph, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont
Noiseless Blackboard Eraser, Joseph Beuys, Print, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
"Untitled", Cindy Sherman, Photograph, Mississippi Museum of Art
BA - O - BA III, Keith Sonnier, Drawing, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Mirage #4, Hap Tivey, Sculpture, The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, State Fair Community College
Sentinel, Hap Tivey, Sculpture, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Study for "AO Gate" #1, Hap Tivey, Painting, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Study for White Garden, Hap Tivey, Painting, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Untitled, Hap Tivey, Drawing, Columbia Museum of Art