23 results
Laumede #16, Gregory Amenoff, Watercolor, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Temple of Red with Orange, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Painting, Phoenix Art Museum
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Sculpture, Akron Art Museum
Untitled, Loren Calaway, High Museum of Art
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Drawing, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Drawing, Akron Art Museum
untitled, Loren Calaway, Drawing, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
untitled, Loren Calaway, Drawing, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Sculpture, Yale University Art Gallery
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Sculpture, University Museum, Southern Illinois University
Untitled, Loren Calaway, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
Untitled (1 part), Loren Calaway, Sculpture, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled (1 part), Loren Calaway, Sculpture, Phoenix Art Museum
Untitled (2 parts), Loren Calaway, Indianapolis Museum of Art
untitled (2 parts), Loren Calaway, Sculpture, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Untitled (2 pieces), Loren Calaway, Sculpture, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Untitled, Peter Campus, Photograph, Yale University Art Gallery
Doll House (Peter Norton Family Christmas Project), Yinka Shonibare, Sculpture, The University of Michigan Museum of Art
III (Peter Norton Family Christmas Project), Lorna Simpson, Sculpture, Academy Art Museum
AFloat, Lawrence Weiner, Drawing, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin
Paris, Lawrence Weiner, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum