13 results
Untitled, James Bishop, Drawing, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University
Untitled, James Bishop, Painting, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Untitled (three panels), Dike Blair, Photograph, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Adam and Eve in Therapy, Judith Shea, Drawing, Plains Art Museum
Art Love: Fantasy, Judith Shea, Drawing, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Double Image (recto/verso), Judith Shea, Drawing, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Sex at Shaker Village, Judith Shea, Drawing, Akron Art Museum
Untitled, Judith Shea, Drawing, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Untitled, Judith Shea, Drawing, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Crackerjack, Robert Stanley, Print, Miami Art Museum
Untitled, Robert Stanley, Drawing, Columbia Museum of Art
Untitled (artist's proof), Robert Stanley, Print, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Untitled, Richard Van Buren, Sculpture, Joslyn Art Museum