Results 1—28 of 30
Untitled (three panels), Dike Blair, Photograph, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Untitled, Kathleen Cooke, Drawing, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled, Joel Fisher, Painting, Miami Art Museum
Untitled, Joel Fisher, Drawing, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Double Head #5, Dixie Friend Gay, Drawing, Huntington Museum of Art
Frog Sandwich, David Gilhooly, Sculpture, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Aluminum Casting of Room with One Door, Jene Highstein, Sculpture, Joslyn Art Museum
Big Pink and Roman Column, Jene Highstein, Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Black Blob Drawing, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota
Double Vase, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Weatherspoon Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Early stage of proposal for General Mills commission, Jene Highstein, Drawing, The University of Michigan Museum of Art
Flying Saucer Working Drawing, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Joslyn Art Museum
For Herb - Happy Birthday, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Grey Clam, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
Hello Kitty, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Plains Art Museum
Hive, Jene Highstein, Drawing, New Mexico Museum of Art, Museum of New Mexico
Horizontal/Vertical, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Akron Art Museum
Inverted Cone, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Mystic Column, Jene Highstein, Drawing, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Neither Whales nor Turtles, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
Pencil drawing for black concrete sculpture, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin
Plan for Gallery Show, Jene Highstein, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Stairway to Heaven, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Untitled, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Joslyn Art Museum
untitled (blue on black drawing of floor piece), Jene Highstein, Drawing, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin
untitled (three vertical forms), Jene Highstein, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Untitled (Two Part Drawing), Jene Highstein, Drawing, University Museum, Southern Illinois University
Untitled Page from a bound book of 43 drawings, Jene Highstein, Volume/Portfolio, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College