12 results
Untitled, William (Bill) Bollinger, Drawing, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Untitled, Gene Davis, Painting, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Apparatus Lamp, R.M. Fischer, Sculpture, New Mexico Museum of Art, Museum of New Mexico
Doctor's Lamp, R.M. Fischer, Sculpture, Boise Art Museum
Halo Lamp, R.M. Fischer, Sculpture, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Walnut Tree Orchard Set L, Charles Gaines, Photograph, The Arkansas Arts Center
Seabox, Rodney Alan Greenblat, Sculpture, High Museum of Art
Wall Pal, Rodney Alan Greenblat, Painting, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont
Prison 17, Peter Halley, Drawing, The Speed Art Museum
Prison 2, Peter Halley, Drawing, The Speed Art Museum
Prison 33, Peter Halley, Drawing, The Speed Art Museum
Prison 7, Peter Halley, Drawing, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University