15 results
Seeds: New York #2, Eric Amouyal, Painting, Birmingham Museum of Art
Line I, Carel Balth, Photograph, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont
Cathedral Evening (working drawing), Ronald Bladen, Drawing, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University
Five Studies: 'Black Tower' and four unknown sculptures, Ronald Bladen, Drawing, Montclair Art Museum
PB12, Study for Sonar Tide, Ronald Bladen, Drawing, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University
PB3, Oracle's Vision (View from Back), Ronald Bladen, Drawing, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin
Untitled, Gary Bower, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Going Dotty, Wendy Lehman, Sculpture, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Single Minded Me, Wendy Lehman, Sculpture, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, New Mexico Museum of Art, Museum of New Mexico
untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Yellowstone Art Museum
Untitled (#1088), Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College