14 results
Noiseless Blackboard Eraser, Joseph Beuys, Print, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Untitled, Gary Bower, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
S.V. (Sailing Vessel) Elissa with Sun and M.V. (Motor Vessel) Britannic, McWillie Chambers, Print, Weatherspoon Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Fall - Winter Series '72 No. 3, Kyle Morris, Drawing, Milwaukee Art Museum
Dream TV, Nam June Paik, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Dream TV, Nam June Paik, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Untitled, Nam June Paik, Drawing, Yale University Art Gallery
Untitled, Nam June Paik, Drawing, The  Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Untitled, Nam June Paik, Drawing, The  Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Untitled, Nam June Paik, Drawing, Akron Art Museum
Untitled, Nam June Paik, Drawing, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Untitled, Nam June Paik, Drawing, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Untitled, Raymond Parker, Painting, Akron Art Museum
Untitled, Raymond Parker, Painting, Columbia Museum of Art