13 results
Suspension 5, John Hultberg, Painting, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Untitled, Patrick Ireland aka Brian O’Doherty, Drawing, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Abondala, Barbara Schwartz, Sculpture, The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, State Fair Community College
Herodia, Barbara Schwartz, Painting, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont
Loop Too, Barbara Schwartz, Sculpture, Portland Museum of Art [Maine]
Savange, Barbara Schwartz, Sculpture, Montclair Art Museum
Untitled, Barbara Schwartz, Sculpture, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota
Untitled, Barbara Schwartz, Sculpture, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Untitled (2 parts), Barbara Schwartz, Sculpture, New Mexico Museum of Art, Museum of New Mexico
Untitled (Fan), Barbara Schwartz, Sculpture, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Vanger, Barbara Schwartz, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Drawing for 4' Piece, Gary Stephan, Drawing, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota
Untitled, Gary Stephan, Painting, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota