11 results
Willie Age 2 1/2, Will Barnet, Drawing, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
Untitled, Robert Barry, Painting, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Venous Plexus #3, Charles Clough, Collage, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled, Richard Francisco, Drawing, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled #1, Tom Holland, Collage, Delaware Art Museum
Paradise Within, Ronnie Landfield, Painting, Delaware Art Museum
Violet/Black Zone Study, Robert Mangold, Drawing, Delaware Art Museum
Four Gates for the Good Sea, Lucio Pozzi, Drawing, Delaware Art Museum
Cardboard Painting, Judy Rifka, Painting, Delaware Art Museum
Little Red Waterfall (aka Deep Dreaming, Fall), Pat Steir, Painting, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled (in shape of urn), Betty Woodman, Sculpture, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]