Results 1—28 of 142
Untitled (Neon A for La Jolla Museum), Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, The  Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Line I, Carel Balth, Photograph, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont
Studies for Herb and Dorothy (recto); Study for The Collectors (verso), Will Barnet, Drawing, Yale University Art Gallery
Study for 'The Collectors' (Herb and Dorothy Vogel), Will Barnet, Drawing, University Museum, Southern Illinois University
Study for Blue Thread, Will Barnet, Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Study for Generation Series, Will Barnet, Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Study for Old Man's Afternoon, Will Barnet, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
Study for the "Lesson", Will Barnet, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Study for The Collectors, Will Barnet, Drawing, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Study for The Collectors (both), Will Barnet, Drawing, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota
Study for The Collectors (Dorothy), Will Barnet, Drawing, Portland Museum of Art [Maine]
Study for The Collectors" (both)", Will Barnet, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Study for The Collectors" (both)", Will Barnet, Drawing, The University of Michigan Museum of Art
Study for The Collectors" (Dorothy)", Will Barnet, Drawing, Miami Art Museum
Study for The Collectors" (Herb)", Will Barnet, Drawing, Miami Art Museum
Study for the Vogels (Herb with hands on chin), Will Barnet, Drawing, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Study for Vogels, Will Barnet, Drawing, Montclair Art Museum
Untitled, Will Barnet, Drawing, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art
Untitled, Will Barnet, Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Untitled, Will Barnet, Drawing, Miami Art Museum
Untitled, Will Barnet, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Untitled, Will Barnet, Drawing, University Museum, Southern Illinois University
Woman, Will Barnet, Drawing, Yale University Art Gallery
Artwork, Robert Barry, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
As Usual (Plan for Wall piece), Robert Barry, Painting, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Only, Robert Barry, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota
Something which is very near in place and time, but not yet known to me, Robert Barry, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
Untitled, Robert Barry, Painting, Yellowstone Art Museum