19 results
Untitled, Stuart Diamond, Collage, Montclair Art Museum
Butternut Branches, Lois Dodd, Painting, Yale University Art Gallery
Art Works, Stephen Kaltenbach, Drawing, University of Alaska Museum of the North
Eye Disguise: Mirror Coated Contact Lense, Stephen Kaltenbach, Drawing, Weatherspoon Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
God gave Noah the rainbow sign: No More Water, The Fire Next Time, Stephen Kaltenbach, Drawing, Yellowstone Art Museum
The Rainbow Sign, Stephen Kaltenbach, Drawing, Yellowstone Art Museum
Untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Looped Line Torn Zone, Robert Mangold, Collage, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Study for Stained Glass Window (Oberlin, Ohio), Robert Mangold, Drawing, Akron Art Museum
Untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, Huntington Museum of Art
Untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University
untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Untitled, Robert Mangold, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
Untitled (Christmas card), Robert Mangold, Sculpture, The Speed Art Museum
untitled (yellow and black), Robert Mangold, Drawing, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University
Violet/Black Zone Study, Robert Mangold, Drawing, Delaware Art Museum